Thursday 10 July 2014

Starting a blog

Hello, hi, hey. Why do people have signature openings and closings to their blogs? I won’t be doing that, nope, not me.

So I’m Alice. I’m 22 and I’m going into my last year of university where I study Film and Screen Studies at Bath Spa. It’s pretty fantastic, but I’m rather scared that I only have one year left, and after this one year is over I have to become and adult. I wont be able to sit around in my pajamas all day eating nutella out of a jar while watching countless episodes of come dine with me / the millionaire matchmaker / the big bang theory. I’ll have to get a real job. 

This will be the third - no wait - fourth blog I have started, out of the other three, only one was slightly successful, but considering that was a university project that I had to keep up with I suppose it doesn’t count. The other two contained about 3 posts, then I forgot about them, good one Alice. I am, however going to make this one work. Hopefully.

Basically I want to document my last ‘free’ summer and my last year at university, not all the boring lectures and stuff, just anything that goes on in my life while I’m there. I’ve got to a point where I only do what I am required to do. If I don’t have to do something I wont, and I feel pretty lazy about that. So I’ve decided, once again, to try out this whole blogging malarky. I’m going to set myself a schedule, where I post once a week, and then if I have something extra to say/show I will. 

That’s it I suppose. First post done! What an achievement, go me, pat on the back! 


p.s - here’s a picture of my face.

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